Magnesium oil is typically what I introduce people to first when spreading health and wellness.  It’s an easy sell.

Someone mentions an ache or a pain, sore or cramping muscle, anxiety, a headache, grey hair, odorous feet or underarms . . . there are countless opportunities to interject  “magnesium oil would likely provide some relief”.  Plus, it smells nice (at least the way I make it).

Presentation and formulation appear to be paramount to people being open to trying new things.  They want to be healthy, but not if it’s a bit too uncomfortable for moments.  My belief is you’ll find my method of preparation quite agreeable.

Background –

The standard recommendation for magnesium oil is to mix equal parts distilled water and magnesium flakes.  Obviously deficient, the first time I tried it full strength it did a little more than tingle, rinsing my arm with water vigorously to quell the burning sensation.  It didn’t help that I tried it on the tender inner forearm skin.  Testing on less sensitive skin areas first to gauge sensitivity is highly recommended.

I dialed it waaaay back from there to quarter strength and mixed it that way for quite some time.  Modified my formula again because it didn’t feel quite strong enough and mix about half strength now to portion into blue glass spray bottles.

What you Need – 

Magnesium Oil  –  1/2 cup
Distilled Water  –  1 1/4 cup
Essential Oils (optional)
Mixing Vessel (I use a mason jar)
Spray Bottles

Buying vs DIY – You can always go to the health store or online to buy a bottle of magnesium oil, but personally would find that difficult to swallow considering the savings involved when mixing yourself, unless in a pinch and that’s all that’s available.  To each their own.

Essential Oil – From the beginning I’ve added essential oil to the bottles I create.  I find the aroma is pleasing and experiment a bit with different oils.  My standard formula is several drops each of cedarwood oil, lavendar oil, rosemary oil, and .  I add 2 drops of each per bottle.

Benefits – 

  • Reduced risk of heart attack and stroke
  • Excellent for muscle cramps and muscle soreness
  • Calming effect on the mood
  • Helps build strong bones and teeth
  • Promotes restful sleep (massage on feet before dream time)

Risks – Skin can itch/burn and feel quite irritated if you’re deficient in magnesium, especially in areas where the skin is tender like the inner forearms.

If the magnesium is irritating the skin,

  • it may be washed off with simple water.
  • Dilute the spray with distilled water until you build up enough magnesium in your system to reduce your reaction for a stronger concentration.

My Formula –

I use a 2 cup mason jar to mix with measurement marks on the side.

Anecdotes –

I decided during this article I’ll try to format for now of getting to the meat of things quickly, positioning more lengthy anecdotes toward the end for those who care to scroll.

I hope you enjoy my prose and point of view.
